60 Minutes

60 Minutes

These are full classes go between 50-60 minutes, and allow you go to deeper. Each class has a particular theme, grounding, practice, and svasana at the end.

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60 Minutes
  • Practicing Love (Bhakti)

    Dec 8, 2020 - In the Bhakti Narda Sutra, as found in Exquisite Love by Bill Mahony, sutra #76 says..."Teachings on Bhakti should be reflected on, practices that awaken it should be undertaken." Bhakti can be translated as love...so, if you want to feel love, turn toward teachings about it (like...

  • Mind and Body Connection

    Nov. 24, 2020 - I read an article about how the mind and body are much more connected than we may have thought. Really cool...in this practice we'll think about opening and stretching the body as a way to open and stretch the mind. And...here's a link to the article -- https://www.nytimes.com/2...

  • Embracing Discomfort to Grow

    Dec 23, 2020 - Something that has been uncomfortable for me, and the thing that has helped me grow the most, is learning about teaching yoga. I see growth with students at the University of Vermont that are clearly "uncomfortable", but at the same time, coming back for more because they are grow...

  • The Trouble is, You Think You Have Time

    Nov 25, 2020 - Today's class is about savoring the moments we have. Even if our moments are a bit different right now, they are still our moments, and they have value. I found this quote by Buddha - "The trouble is, you think you have time."

  • Lucky To Have Yoga In Our Lives

    Dec. 7, 2020 - Today I'm really feeling very lucky to have found yoga. It is a practice that is inherently good, focusing on caring for yourself and for others -- aren't we so lucky to have this practice! Enjoy this gentle, focused class.

  • Attending the Banquet of The Senses

    Dec 11, 2020 - I took my dog, Dewey, for a walk yesterday. Because I didn't have anything else to do for the rest of the day, I walked at his pace; enjoying the smells, looking around, taking it all in. It was wonderful to be that present. There is a sutra from the Radiance Sutras that in part...

  • Tolerance, Loving Kindness, Forgiveness

    July 29, 2020 - The Dalai Lama shared we all need to do for ourselves and others...tolerance, loving kindness and forgiveness.

  • Affirmations to Remind You of You

    July 31, 2020 - My mom has dementia and has had notes on her refrigerator she reads in the morning, but they don't really have to do with anything. Just random notes. So, I changed the notes on my mom's refrigerator to remind her of her true Self. She wrote down "I am doing good", "I am funny",...

  • The Practice of Enjoyment

    This class is about how the yoga practice, or life for that matter, just isn't as much fun unless you practice with the purpose of finding pleasure in what you are doing. So, practice with enjoyment as you take this John McConnell Yoga class!

  • The Light That Comes From Inside - John McConnell Yoga

    This is a hip/quad opener class. The theme of the class is based on a hiking experience at Putnam Pond in the Adirondacks -- talking about how seeing the external beauty that is around you helps you to see your own inner light and goodness that comes from inside.

  • You Can Change Your Mind...and Body and Heart

    July 7, 2020 - Today the class is about opening the hips and change. Yesterday I was doing taxes and getting into the yuck of that. I really didn't think I could have any fun after the heaviness of it...but. we went kayaking and it was like having a whole different day. I was just amazed how y...

  • Ahimsa, Non-Harming

    July 17, 2020 - Today we have a conscious practice of non-harming so we can enjoy our True Nature.

  • Human Kind...as in humans are kind. :-)

    July 14, 2020 - Today we think about the book "Humankind", which talks about we are innately good...which you know, as yogis we already know, right! Enjoy this kind practice. :-)

  • You Are The Reflection of the Sun

    July 8, 2020 - Heart opening class. I recently learned of the philosophical idea that we are like the shimmering light on water that is reflecting the sun, where the sun is pure consciousness and goodness. What that means is that we are already perfect, nothing else is needed, and there's no w...

  • Asteya...non-stealing

    July 16, 2020 - Class is about not stealing from our future self, and also considering in life not stealing other people's limelight. Just, you know, practicing being nice. :-)

  • Choosing Your Mental Target

    June 23, 2020 - Making a mental target for your week. Choosing something to focus on and direct your attention. It doesn't matter what it is, it's about my being in charge of choosing your focus.

  • Turn The Light of The Mind Toward Gratitude

    June 26, 2020 - We'll turn the mind toward gratitude for class, which naturally turns the mind away from negative thinking.

  • A Hot Dog In A Car Isn't Always What It Appears To Be

    July 6th, 2020 - This last week I went to the Northeast Kingdom to go camping and saw a day dog locked in a hot car, and policeman waiting for the owner. As it turned it, this wasn't what it appeared to be, and was a remember to look at yourself and others with an open mind. In this class we'...

  • Happy Shoulders

    July 13, 2020 - In this class we work on aligning and strengthen the shoulders for better paddling, paddle boarding, and life!

  • Coming Back To The Breath

    June 24, 2020 - Coming back to the every present breath...something we always have that helps us, and all we have to do is remember it's there.

  • Exercising The Eyes and Sixth Chakra

    June 25, 2020 - The 6th chakra is related to creativity, visualization, imagination. The eyes are connected to the 6th chakra, and tired eyes can make it harder to "see" the future. In this practice we work a lot on the eyes and seeing.

  • You're Already Awesome...And, So Are Vermont Swimming Holes!

    June 22, 2020 - Because of COVID, we are spending our time in Vermont instead of taking big trips...and, we're discovering things about Vermont we hadn't spent time with before...like amazing swimming holes. AMAZING! And, we can do that looking in relation to ourselves as well. Instead of seei...

  • The Light That You See By Is The Light That Comes From Inside

    July 9, 2020 - Grounding class. I love this quote from the Radiance Sutras - "The Light That You See By Is The Light That Comes From Inside." It's a reminder that your view of the world very much comes from yourself, and if you are grounded in the innate Light that is inside, the world outside ...