Embracing Discomfort to Grow
60 Minutes
Dec 23, 2020 - Something that has been uncomfortable for me, and the thing that has helped me grow the most, is learning about teaching yoga. I see growth with students at the University of Vermont that are clearly "uncomfortable", but at the same time, coming back for more because they are growing as people. The power of discomfort is underestimated, and the desire to feel good is probably over emphasized. So..in this fun, and (slightly) uncomfortable class, let's grow together!
Up Next in 60 Minutes
The Trouble is, You Think You Have Time
Nov 25, 2020 - Today's class is about savoring the moments we have. Even if our moments are a bit different right now, they are still our moments, and they have value. I found this quote by Buddha - "The trouble is, you think you have time."
Lucky To Have Yoga In Our Lives
Dec. 7, 2020 - Today I'm really feeling very lucky to have found yoga. It is a practice that is inherently good, focusing on caring for yourself and for others -- aren't we so lucky to have this practice! Enjoy this gentle, focused class.
Attending the Banquet of The Senses
Dec 11, 2020 - I took my dog, Dewey, for a walk yesterday. Because I didn't have anything else to do for the rest of the day, I walked at his pace; enjoying the smells, looking around, taking it all in. It was wonderful to be that present. There is a sutra from the Radiance Sutras that in part...