60 Minutes

60 Minutes

These are full classes go between 50-60 minutes, and allow you go to deeper. Each class has a particular theme, grounding, practice, and svasana at the end.

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60 Minutes
  • Wintering With Your Breath

    Jan 27, 2021 - A friend told me I should read the book "Wintering", by Katherine May. I had mentioned in class the other day about trying to "like" winter, and she said this book might be of interest. Well, it is interesting. In general, it's about the idea of recognizing that winter has it's o...

  • Feeling What Others Are Feeling

    Feb 26, 2021

    There was a story on BBC the other day about the importance of getting the COVID vaccine to people in all countries, not just the wealthy ones, because if there is virus anywhere it can travel. So, it’s in everyone’s best interest to get all people vaccinated, not just those that a...

  • Turning Your Mind to the Positive

    Mar. 4, 2021 - The cool thing about the mind is you can change it. One way is to recognize when you are having thoughts that are negative, or viewing things in a negative way, and doing your best to find the positive instead. That's a practice I work on, sometimes with success, sometimes not, b...

  • Communal Dinners

    2.23.2021 - I woke up this morning, at 3:11am, thinking of past dinners I’ve had with people, and how I’ve missed that so much. A year ago this week I was in the Dominican Republic leading a yoga retreat with a group of friends. We shared every meal together, of course. Sitting close together, la...

  • Appreciating Special Moments

    Feb. 18, 2021

    There has been lots of times in my life where I’ve thought, “This is special. I need to really be present for this experience.” You know, times like traveling to new places you know you won’t return, seeing something really beautiful, getting married.

    I’ve really recognizing that...

  • Practicing Gratitude

    2.8.21 - Gratitude is always an option to feel good about life, even when things might be out of wack.

  • A More Beautiful Question

    March 24, 2021 - A friend of mine sent out a group email to some friends that said, “I decided to look online to find conspiracy theories on the COVID vaccine.” And, sure enough, he did…and now he wanted us all to know he won’t get vaccinated.

    I am reading a book right now called, “A More Beaut...

  • Focusing the Mind to Remember Our Innate Goodness

    Jan. 14, 2021 - In the practice today we are focusing on the 3rd point, in order to focus the mind and let go of stuff, and remember or true nature of being good.

  • The Future Is What We Make It

    Jan. 28, 2021 - I love thinking about the future. I like planning motorcycle trips, camping trips, trips to Montreal, yoga retreats. Since the Pandemic started, all that planning is out the window. Sound familiar?

    So, this morning I searched on Google about how to plan for the future during CO...

  • Love Is Already Inside

    2.12.21 - Well, it’s almost Valentine’s Day so it seems appropriate to think about love a bit. One thing I “love” about yoga philosophy is it generally based on the idea that all the goodness and light, and love, available is already inside of you. So, if you are searching for love, look inside...

  • The Power of Gratitude

    2.16.2021 - Everyday is a good day to practice gratitude...so, enjoy. :-)

  • We Matter

    Jan. 29, 2021 - Over this winter I have been taking Dewey to Burlington. We walk around downtown and then along the waterfront. I could walk right out my front door and within a couple minutes I'd be in the woods. But Dewey and I like the energy of seeing other people and interacting.

    Dewey is ...

  • The Essence of All Teachings is Right Here

    Feb. 19, 2021 - Part of a sutra I really like from the Radiance Sutras is, “the essence of all teachings is right here, open your eyes.” Isn’t that great! The part I really like is “essence.” The concept of essence is present often in yoga texts. The essence of something means that there are ...

  • Recognizing Your Inner Awesome

    March 23, 2021 - I took my students in my meditation classes at UVM for a “meditative walk” yesterday. We left our phones inside, and silently we walked around campus for about 40 minutes, taking it all in. At the end we sat down on the grass and I asked everybody to share anything they wanted ...

  • Changing Your Held Perceptions

    Feb. 1, 2021 - In my continuing quest to enjoy (tolerate) Winter I have been inspired to go swimming in the lake! A student of mine has been doing it, which peaked my interest, and then I have been reading “Wintering,” which also talks about the thrill of swimming in cold water. So, in a fit of...

  • Savoring Time...and Particularly Winter

    Jan. 25, 2021 - I really don't like winter. I was born and raised in Wyoming, and then from there moved to Vermont; someplace just as wintery, but darker. I have spent lots of time in my life asking myself why?? Not why I don't like winter, but why I live in this cold place. Arrggg!

    BUT, this ...

  • Getting Back to Balance

    Jan 19, 2021 - This morning my wife and I woke up at 4:30am. Instead of talking about all the things we're worried about in the world, which has been the normal conversation when we wake up during the night over the last four years, we were being silly and laughing. We were laughing!! As we wer...

  • Empathy

    Mar 12, 2021 - As we move beyond COVID, I feel a combination of hope and also sadness about those who didn't make it. Today we consider our emotions in these changing times.

  • Moving Forward!

    Mar. 11, 2021 - If you want to do an enthusiastically positive yoga class, this is it! I'm just super amped about life, Canada, travel, being together in groups. There are things to look forward to...let's enthusiastically get on it and starting getting excited and recognize there actually is a...

  • This Practice is Brought to You by the Letter R

    Jan. 22, 2021 - I was watching an interview by Anderson Cooper with Amanda Gorman. As I'm sure you know, Amanda is the woman who shared her poem, "The Hill We Climb", at Biden's Inauguration. In the interview she was talking a bit about herself and her life, and that the reason she got into readi...

  • The Journey Begins Here

    Mar 3, 2021 - The is a sutra from the Radiance Sutras that says, in part, "The journey begins here, with with whatever is capturing your attention." A reminder that wherever you are in your mind, body, or heart, that's a good place to start your practice. :-)

  • Connecting the Senses as Meditation

    Feb. 11, 2021 - Today we use the senses as a way to connect to the world around us and find our place.

  • Positive Communication with Yourself and Others

    Jan 18, 2021 - Today is Martin Luther King Day. I found this great quote about communication from him - "People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they have not communicated with each other."...

  • Enjoy the Breath

    March 10, 2021 - The breath is this wonderful thing that not only keeps us alive, but also calms us down, and gives us a great thing to focus on as a meditation. Let's do all of that today. :-)