Feeling What Others Are Feeling
60 Minutes
Feb 26, 2021
There was a story on BBC the other day about the importance of getting the COVID vaccine to people in all countries, not just the wealthy ones, because if there is virus anywhere it can travel. So, it’s in everyone’s best interest to get all people vaccinated, not just those that are closer to home.
It made me think about the idea of compassion and empathy in general, considering the feeling and emotions of others, and it reminded me of Sutra #84 from the Radiance Sutras:
Extend your awareness
Into the bodies of ther living beings,
Feel what those others are feeling.
Leave aside your body and its needs.
Abandon being so local.
Day by day constrictions will loosen,
As you become attuned
To the current of life
Flowing through us all.
I hope you enjoy today’s empathetic class. :-)
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