60 Minutes

60 Minutes

These are full classes go between 50-60 minutes, and allow you go to deeper. Each class has a particular theme, grounding, practice, and svasana at the end.

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60 Minutes
  • First, See The Good

    Dec. 3, 2020 - Today I woke up and looked at the news..a reminder of the dire state of COVID in the US. I was feeling pretty sad about things, but then I saw an uplifting article about someone who asked somebody to marry them. It was a reminder that there is always good in the world, even in th...

  • Enjoying the Path of Breath

    September 4, 2020 - Today I talked about my new electric bike and choosing the best path to get to town...and how I had a friend suggest one way to get there, and I enjoyed another. Both paths ending up where I wanted to go.

    Yoga practice is very much like this. There is a consistent end desti...

  • Connecting to the 4th Chakra - Heart Chakra

    July 24, 2020 - Today's class we'll practice opening up the heart chakra, making more connection to the love in our hearts.

  • Releasing Trauma and Stress From The Body and Mind

    Nov. 11, 2020 - In this class we'll gently release stored stressful energy in the body with gentle, simple physical movements. The class starts with a calming seated meditation.

  • The Power of Positive Language

    Dec 9, 2020 - Lisa Feldman Barrett, In her book "Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain", talks about how important positive language is for mental as well as physical health. It truly can change the brain the better, and make the body healthier. So, enjoy today's positive filled practice!

  • Creating Structure to Find Freedom

    Dec. 29, 2020 - I am on a semi-break from teaching at UVM. I always look forward to these breaks, but inevitably it's too much free time, and I long for structure - ironic. And, this is true in yoga, too. I feel in yoga that it would be great to not worry about alignment (structure) of body an...

  • Acts of Kindness Begin with You

    Dec 18, 2020 - Growing up my parents demonstrated often practicing acts of kindness..so much so that they even gave a few of our cars away to people more in need than ourselves. Yes, that's a bit overboard! In the yoga practice, we have the opportunity to practice acts of kindness with ourselve...

  • Deep Breathing

    Dec 4, 2020 - Today we open up the body for deep, expanding breathing. Breathing into the front, sides, and back of the ribs, and even imagining the whole body as one big lung. Ahhhhh....feels good to breath. :-)

  • Finding Perspective Away from Life's Storms

    Dec 28, 2020 - I subscribe to a create Facebook page, Heather Cox Richardson. At the end of each day she takes all the news from the day and puts it into clear perspective, with an emphasis on history...she's a history perspective. There is an article about her in the New York Times, and a quot...

  • Find Grounding in your Breath and Legs

    Dec 14, 2020 - This class was done on a Monday morning...a good time to ground yourself. We'll find a sense of presence and grounding by connecting to the legs and the breath, as a way to really find ourselves in ourselves and in our practice.

  • Making Small Changes for Happiness

    Dec 15, 2020 - My tea/coffee cupboard has been totally chaos. I decided to add another shelf to see if that helped. It did! This morning I up the cupboard to get the stuff to make coffee, and I had a rush of "aahhhh". It was so nice! To change life for the better it doesn't need to be huge......

  • Deep Breathing To Start The Day

    Nov. 30, 2020 - In this class we practice breathing into all sides of the ribs, doing postures that helps open us up to deeper breathing. Breathing natural creates a calmer mind...a great way to start the day, or something to do anytime. :-)

  • Beauty is everywhere...open your eyes. :-)

    Sept 29, 2020 - This class is about how you just need to look around to see beauty, because we are surrounded by it.

  • Keeping Good Company

    Dec 17, 2020 - It makes a difference who you spend time with. It's so much easier in life to have people who support you and who you are. Living in Vermont, it feels like a community of good company, particularly during COVID and our caring response as a state. Wherever you live, it's good to f...

  • Breathing Deeply Is Life Saving

    July 30, 2020 - Doing yoga helps you to breath deeply. Not everyone does that, and it's good to practice...so let's practice breathing more deeply

  • A Still and Quiet Mind

    Dec 1, 2020 - In the Bhagavada Gita (Ch. 6, V. 20) it says, "When the mind becomes still and quiet, the Self reveals itself." Seems pretty straight up, right? Well, let's try it! In this class we actually let the mind be free, as a way to quiet the mind..enjoy!

  • Celebrating the End of Darkness

    Dec 21, 2020 - It's the Winter Solstice! Yay. :-) Today is a chance to let go of bad habits and negative feelings, and bring in hope and positivity. Choosing one thing to let go off and one thing to bring in is wonderful. There is definitely a lot to let go of, and also a lot to look forward t...

  • Making a Fresh 2021 Start With the Breath

    Jan 1, 2021 - We made it..thank goodness! In beginning new things, it's nice start with the beginning in terms of yoga, which is really the breath. You can always come back to breath to find yourself, and what better time than the first of the year to do that. Enjoy our first practice of the y...

  • Creating Positive Memories

    Dec 10, 2020 - I have a really hard time with winter, particularly the darkness...but I've been talking walks outside and it's been great. It almost makes me think winter could be fun! What's important about that is the more you do something and think it's fun, the more you mind tells you it ac...

  • The Body as a Meditation

    Jan 4, 2021 - It's amazing with have out bodies that offer so much. Today in class we appreciate what our bodies have to offer, and us the sensations of the body as a meditation. Enjoy being embodied today. :-)

  • Learning From the Darkness

    Dec 22, 2020 - Yesterday I was talking about moving into the Light and beyond Darkness. Today, class is about embracing what we have learned from the darkness. This has been an incredible, hopefully once in a lifetime experience, and there is value in taking forward lessons we have learned. No...

  • The Future Is Unpredictable, So Be Present

    Dec 31, 2020 - On this last day of the year, it's nice to be present. Not looking back. Not looking forward. Just being present. I listened to a story from "On Point" interviewing Margaret Heffernan who wrote a book called "Uncharted". The book is all about the impossibility of knowing what th...

  • Appreciating Community and Connection

    Dec 30, 2020 - Today I woke up with a deep sense of happiness, and in thinking about it, I realized it all came down to community. I looked online about why community is important, and found this great explanation of what community is and why it matters. It's from nami.org. -- "Community can be ...

  • Cast Aside the 10,000 Things and Love only One.

    December 2, 2020 - Today I woke up overwhelmed with too many things...dishes, a half finished painting of the kitchen, recycling, the dog. Arrgg! It was so nice to "have to" teach this class, and be reminded how great it is to just do one thing. So nice. Enjoy this practice focused on the pra...