Get Up & Go
This is going to be a great series! I'm calling this a "Positive Pop-up Series." Each session will be 10-15 minutes, we'll start with some positive quote or poem, and then get into some movement focused on energy, flexibility, strength and positivity! This is going to be a great way to start 2025...I hope you'll be part of it.
What will we be doing each session?
Each session with start with a positive message: a poem, a quote, or something from a yoga text. Whatever it is, it's going to be uplifting. An energized practice focused on moving, stretching, and strengthening the body will follow. Each session will be unique.
Do I need to come to every session?
No. This series is about having a place to go each day to move and be positive. If you make it to each class, awesome. If you make it to one or two per week, awesome. Most importantly, the series is about starting the year feeling good and getting moving. How often you do that each week is up to you.
How do I know when the new classes are posted?
New classes are recorded each weekday. You will receive an email letting you know as soon as a class is posted.
Can I connect with you, John, and other people in the series?
Absolutely. Each video has a place to post comments to me, and also connect with other people in the series. Part of the joy of doing this, for me (and I hope for you) is knowing there are others doing it as well. We aren't alone. :-)
Anything else to know about?
• You'll Leave Class Feeling Better
• Series is Easy to Commit To; Easy to Do
• Watch the Series Anytime/Anywhere Within the 60-Day Rental Period
• All Levels and Abilities Welcome
• Plant- & Pet-Friendly
• Community-Oriented
Get Up & Go
Let's get up and go into 2025! Enjoy positive 10-15 minute sessions each weekday from Jan. 6-31st.
Get Up & Go - Class #1
Class #1 - Each do we'll start with a positive theme, and then enjoy some physical movement to start to the day...or end the day, depending. Today we start with advice from the Dalai Lama about kindness.
Get Up & Go - Class #2
Class #2 - For today our theme is "Now we begin the practice a yoga." It's from the Sutras of Patanjali, and a foundational idea of yoga, that it's not too late to start, and there are no prerequisites. I like to take this idea to all of life. Instead dotting the i's and crossing the t's, go ah...
Get Up & Go - Class #3
Class #3 - Today we focus on appreciating our amazing bodies. :-)
Get Up & Go - Class #4
Class #4 - Today our theme is about how to treat others in a yogic manner.
Get Up & Go - Class #5
Class #5 - Today we consider a wonderful poem by Hafiz about love.
Get Up & Go - Class #6
Class #6 - Today we focus on facing the battle of life.
Get Up &. Go: Class #7
Class #7 - Today we focus on the phrase "only this."
Get Up & Go - Class #8
Class #8 - Today the think of happiness for others.
Get Up & Go - Class #9
Class #9 - For today we enjoy some nice movement and contemplate a Rumi poem and humming.
Get Up & Go - Class #10
Class #10 - Today we consider the value of practicing Love. :-)
Get Up And Go - Class #11
Class #11 - It's Martin Luther King Day, so we start with this quote by him.."Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."
Get Up & Go - Class #12
Class #12 - Today our focus is the meditative phrase "only this."
Get Up & Go - Class #13
Class #13 - Today we consider something the Dalai Lama said about living in a time of the video to hear what it was. :-)
Get Up & Go - Class #14
Class #14 - A nice, moving class today. Enjoy!
Get Up & Go - Class #15
Class #15 - Today Skinny Pancake gives us advice about how to handle the long, dark winter.
Get Up & Go - Class #16
Class #16 - Cast aside the 10,000 things and love only one.
Get Up & Go - Class #17
Class #17 - Today's focus is this quote from the Radiance Sutras: "The light that you see by comes from inside."
Get Up & Go - Class #18
Class #18 - Today is slow and steady movement.
Get Up & Go - Class #19
Class #19 - We do some twists today.
Get Up & Go - Class #20
Class #20 - Amazing! We did it. Today we focus on the sutra that says, "now we begin the practice of yoga." For me that means that now is the perfect time to start ANYTHING. Start, and then figure it out. :-)