Tapas in Your Yoga Practice
Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022 - Tapas in yoga can mean courage, heat, or self-discipline...among other things. One thing I recognize is that actually having other people involved with all that sure makes it a heck of a lot easier. Every successful person has many many people how have supported them in the journey. So, enjoy the support you get in the practice today. :-)
Up Next in Strength
3rd Limb - Day Four
Today we wil do a bit more of a vigorous practice with a bit of core work.
The physical practice of yoga is help...
August 31, 2022 - According to the "Sutras of Patanjali," doing the physical practice of yoga (asana), can help to settle the mind. Back in the day, the idea of yoga was more centered on meditation and finding a calmer mind. It was found that moving the body can help with that. With that focus...
Take Refuge In the Body
It's nice to remember that we are traveling in this vehicle that we can escape into when we need a break from it all.