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  • Jump Start - Class #11

    Class #11 - Today Joe Biden dropped out of the Presidential race, being most likely replaced my Kamala Harris. Of course, for the good of the country, and the world, I hope Harris wins. And, I'm reminded of a Zen saying, "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop woo...

  • Jump Start - Class #9

    Class #9 - Today we enjoy getting the body moving, and remember how important it is to keep the body moving!

  • Jump Start - Class #8

    Cllass #8- Today we focus on hips and positivity.

  • Jump Start - Class #7

    Class #7 - We are focusing on some hip opening today.

  • Jump Start! Class #6

    Class #6 - Enjoy an energized flow in today's class.

  • Jump Start - Class #4

    Class #4 - Great class with core energy!

  • Good Morning Yoga - Class #3

    Class #3 - We focus on the 3rd chakra and core energy today.

  • Jump Start! - Class #3

    Class #3 - We focus on the core today!

  • Jump Start - Class #2

    Class #2 - This week we are focused on strong legs.

  • Jump Start! - class #1

    5.6.24 - Our first Jump Start! class. Right on. For this class we'll focus on feeling strong in the legs.

  • The Physical Practice

    April 15, 2024 - There are so many methods of achieving the goal of goal, connecting to better Self. The physical practice is one that is always nice to come back to.

  • Finding Yoga

    April 2, 2024 - We find the experience of yoga in class being both the practice and the result of the practice.

  • A Chance of Humming

    March 13, 2024 - Today's class is based on this poem:
    A man
    standing on two logs in a river
    might do all right floating with the current
    while humming in the
    if one log is tied to a camel,
    who is also heading south along the bank - at the same pace-
    all could still be well
    with the

  • Yoga of Physical Movement

    12.6.23 - Yoga is both the experience of connecting to your true self, as well as the practice you use to do that.

  • Giving Your Tomorrow Self a Gift

    10-5-23 One way to think about yoga is as going your future self a gift. Making the practice benefit that you that gets up in the morning.

  • Go In the Bar

    10.2.23 - This weekend I played in my band and a place where we could play outside on the street or inside the bar. We played in the bar, and it make it so much better, because the bar keep in all that enjoy that was getting lost outside.

  • Third Limb Series - Day 18

    This is our final "Thursday Strength" class. Today we think about our personal strength to be our True Self.

  • Third Limb Series - Day 11

    For today's "Thursday Strength" class we focus on mental and emotional strength.

  • Third Limb Series - Day 4

    "Thursday Strength" - Feel your strength as we flow through a fun, moving sequence.

  • Holiday Helper - Day 12

    Today we find connection to our legs and feet to experience the feeling of "being home."

  • Spring Into Summer - Day 12

    Today we build some strength to make summer activities more enjoyable and longer lasting...and, strengthen feels good, after, so look forward to how you'll feel after. :-)

  • Physical Yoga

    9.14.23 - Today we will focus on the physical practice of yoga. Yoga, actually, is barely based on the physical practice at all. Yoga is mostly other practices that are about seeing your inner light, however you can. But, it certainly is nice to enjoy only the physical. :-)

  • Grounding and Strength

    May 23, 2023 - Working on feeling stronger can often give a feeling a being more present as well. Let's see if that happens for you today.

  • Being A Champion

    Wednesday, 3.29.23 - It's great watching the NCAA basketball games, and the "yoga" that the teams practice in terms of positivity, breathing, clear minds. One thing I really love is how the practice, every day, every game, that they are champions. We should all do that. :-)