Open to the Light Inside and Out
60 Minutes
Nov. 19, 2021 - As I enter into the final weeks of teaching at the University...we are starting a week off for Thanksgiving right now (YAY!), I am reminded of all the different highs and lows of emotion I've had this semester. Every semester is somewhat a roller coaster, but COVID adds a whole other wrinkle to things.
What I know is I've felt lots of things, that's for sure. Something that I keep learning from the yoga teachings is to be open to all the feelings. The idea is that if you aren't, you may miss really connecting to your Light...and who wants to do that. :-)
For today's practice, we'll open ourselves up to the Light that is all around us, and at the same time, to the Light that is always inside. Enjoy.
Up Next in 60 Minutes
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