Doing Your Scales
60 Minutes
Thursday, 4.13.23 - A way to think about yoga is like musicians think about doing their scales. You should do them everyday, because it's good now, but it has lots of benefits later...just like yoga. :-)
Up Next in 60 Minutes
Return To The Mat
Wednesday, 4.12.23 - Today we enjoy returning to the mat, no matter how long we've been away.
Savoring The Breath
Tuesday, 4.11.23 - In watching the passing of my mother-in-law, I was reminded of the real power of the breath, and why in yoga it is called the "life force." Today we'll delight in our breath.
Re-Begin The Practice of Yoga
Monday, 4.10.23 - I have been away for these classes for a week, and I'm back. It reminds me of the sutra from Patanjali that says, "Now we begin the practice of yoga." It's a reminder than wherever you are, and whatever your experience, you can begin practicing yoga...or re-begin.