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Find Your Grounding, Find Yourself
45 Minutes
In this free yoga video class, I talk about how I met the owner of a Juice Bar in Toronto, Sanna Tea Juice Bar, and was reminded of the importance of being grounded. So, we do lots of grounding with some nice twisting as well. Enjoy!
Up Next in 45 Minutes
A Balanced Yoga Practice
August 10, 2020 - Enjoy this balanced practice to start your week, or day. :-)
Breathing to see your True Self
July 20, 2020 - One of the simplest ways to be reminded of the fact that you are a good person is to connect to your breath. Amazing, but true, and something that is mentioned often in yogic texts. In the Radiance Sutras, a poetic interpretation of the Vijnanbhairava, it says..."The way of exper...
One Mountain...Many Trails To The Pea...
This class is about how there are many paths up the mountain of yoga, and to enjoy your path.