Move & Meditate - Class #11
Class #11 - This morning I was running around right before class, and had a sense that focusing on breath would help me, and you. Wow! Did it ever. Today's class we enjoy the power of noticing the space at the top and bottom of the breath, and then we have a breathing mediation at the end. So good. :-)
Move & Meditate - Class #9
Class #9 - When you put your body into different shapes (like various yoga postures) it can bring up different thoughts and feelings. We'll explore that today. :-)
Good Morning Yoga - Class #24
Class #24 - Today we enjoy the power of connection through one-pointed focus.
Good Morning Yoga - Class #22
Class #22 - It's raining today. It makes me think about all the kinds of listening we can do - listening to the rain, listening to nature, listening to a friend, listening to ourselves. Today we open up to everything we hear.