These meditation classes last 15 minutes or less. Just enough time to reconnect to your Self.

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  • Good Morning Yoga - Class #6

    Class #6 - Today our focus is on the first of the yamas, ahimsa, which means non-harming.

  • Breathe & Chill - Class #4

    Class #4 - Another great, mellow, calming class.

  • Breathe & Chill - Class #3

    Class #3 - Relaxing heart opening class with slow breathing.

  • Breathe & Chill - Class #2

    Class #2 - We start with a really nice chest opener for easy breathing.

  • Holding The Breath

    April 30, 2024 - Today we enjoy the effects on the mind and body of short breath holds.

  • Parasympathetic Nervous System

    April 11, 2024 - Today we work on the Parasympathetic Nervous System, learning what it is and how to activate it.

  • Finding Yoga in the Yoga Practice

    April 10, 2024 - The word yoga means both to find the light within, and the practice the helps you do that.

  • Yoga Defined

    April 4, 2024 - We focus on the two meanings of yoga. Yoga is a state of being where you are connected to your most perfect self, and yoga is also the practice you are doing to get you to that state of being. Cool, eh.

  • Meditation Hall

    April 3, 2024 - Anywhere you are you can make that space your meditation hall, even in your living room doing yoga. :-)

  • Gratitude

    3.20.24 - Gratitude is an incredibly powerful tool for mental health.

  • Open Your Eyes

    Mar. 19, 2024 - A foundational idea of yoga philosophy is that all the light that is available is already inside of you. All you need to do is "open your eyes" and see it. :-)

  • Meditation Hall

    March 18, 2024 - In yoga philosophy, a common idea is that wherever you are is a good starting point. That means if you are distracted, focused, happy, said, flexible...whatever, that is a good place (the best place!) to begin.

  • Preference

    March 15, 2024 - Today's class we have another poem to consider.

    PREFERENCE, by Mira
    Stuck with another moment
    How should we pass it?

    If anything worked for you before ---
    I'd give that preference.

  • Intention

    March 12, 2024 - Having an intention for practicing can be helpful. You might not notice any type of difference from your practice immediately. With an intention you are setting the direction and purpose of your practice over the long-term.

  • Tenderly

    Mar. 11, 2024 - Today's class is based on a poem "Tenderly" by St. John of the Cross.

    I now touch all things,
    knowing some day we will part.

  • Future Pain Is Avoidable

    9.29.23 - From the Sutras of Patanjali, in the 2nd chakra, 16 sutra, is says "Future Pain Is Avoidable." The way I think about that is that the way the deal with your mind, body and heart today can lead to less mental, physical and emotional pain tomorrow.

    I think this is a great way to look at...

  • re-Dedicate: Day One, Meditation

    In this first class of our series, I talk a bit about how to sit, setting yourself up for success, and we do a nice mediation with the breath. I hope you enjoy it. :-)

  • re-Dedicate: Day Seven, Meditation

    This is the beginning of our 2nd week, and with that we'll do a meditation practice, focusing on the senses.

  • re-Dedicate: Day Thirteen, Meditation - Only This

    Today we do a favorite meditation of mine, "Only This". All you do is keep repeating the phrase "Only This," reminding yourself that really, there is only this. :-)

  • re-Dedicate (2nd Series): Day Seven, Meditate with Awareness on Everything

    A lot of meditations I do are focusing on one thing...choosing a thing and focusing on it. The meditation today is the opposite that - it's focusing on everything. I like it, I hope you do, too. :-)

  • re-Dedicate: Day Nineteen, Meditation on Community

    The meditation today is about reminding ourselves that we are part of numerous webs of community that support us.

  • re-Dedicate (2nd Series): Day Thirteen, Loving Kindness Meditation

    For today's meditation we practice the wonderful, heartfelt, "loving kindness" meditation.

  • re-Dedicate (2nd Series): Day One, Meditation on Orbs

    We start this 2nd series with a cool meditation visualizing the movement or orbs, connected the body and the breath. It's really cool. I hope you like it. :-)

  • re-Dedicate (2nd Series): Day Nineteen, Meditation on Sound and Self

    WIth the meditation today we focus on finding our self in a world of sound.