There is Benefit in Moving With a Group
Hip Openers
Dec. 23, 2021 - I finally finished the book I've been reading, "The Extended Mind." The final thing the author said about extending the mind is how groups are really helpful. One particular thing she said, which relates to yoga, is the power of doing synchronous movement at the same time as other people. Having people in close proximity helps, but it isn't necessary. What is most helpful is that it's at the same time.
As an example she mentioned the "Radio Calisthenics" from Japan. It's a 3-minute calisthenics routine, broadcast every morning at 6:30am in Japan for 90 years! Millions of people do it at the same time. Everyone has is memorized, but instead they do it when everyone else does it, knowing they are part of a bigger group, even if at a distance.
I think that's super cool...
So, as a plug for doing live, online, yoga...come to my live class! It's Monday-Friday from 7:30-8:30am. You might be surprised as how great it is.
Cost: $10/class or $35/weekly unlimited (suggested)
Venmo — John-McConnell-50
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