Take It All In
60 Minutes
August 24, 2021 - One of the things I love the most about riding my motorcycle is that it really helps you to be in the present moment…experiencing all the world has to offer through the senses.
And, one of the things I love about the yoga practice is it is inviting you to do the same. Today we focus on being present in the moment and taking it all in - I hope you enjoy it.
Up Next in 60 Minutes
Life Without a Phone…for a Little Bit
July 15, 2021 - Yesterday I was at my favorite coffee shop on Church Street, The Cosmic Grind, and I was sitting outside. Next to me was a man woman sitting together, and the woman had a phone setup on a tripod that pointed at her. I was thinking that maybe they had a friend they were talking t...
July 13, 2021 - This morning I woke to the wonderful sound of rain. I love the sound of rain, along the the smell, the rhythm, how everything is cleaner after a rain storm. Rain is awesome. :-)
In terms of yoga, it’s nice to bring aspects of rain inside while it’s raining — connecting to your...
Making Any Moment Special
Sept 1, 2021 - This week was the beginning of teaching my classes at UVM, and something I’ve asked all the students is to share a moment that they felt really present. People shared about being on beaches or climbing a mountain, but they also shared about watching kids play, walking their dog, si...