Remembering Yourself
Dec. 17, 2021 - In reading the book, "The Extended Mind," the author talks about the idea of remembering ourselves, and how we need reminders to remember who we are. She states that we are "strong" and easily stay connected to our self, but isn't actually true, it takes practice. We need reminders. For instance, at work and at home, it's really good to have photos or other objects that remind you of You.
I was thinking of this in terms of yoga, and that is really what every practice is about...taking time each day, or whenever you can, to remind yourself of yourself. To do that today, we will walk though a photo gallery in our minds or who we are. We'll remember experiences, people, activities...whatever you need to say, "Yup, that's me!"
Up Next in Twists
I Am Here
Dec. 15, 2021 - After getting back from traveling, I'm tired. It takes a lot of energy to travel, see people, be "on." It's nice to be home and to let down my effort a bit, and be here. A nice mantra to help with that experience of being home is "I am here," reminding yourself you made
A Good Time to Start
Dec. 1, 2021 - I'm feeling amped today!! I have made a connection with some people I knew in Laramie, Wyoming 30 years ago. We are new friends of Facebook. It's fun to think about me 30 years ago, and what possibility felt like, and an un-charted forward path.
Sometimes I forget that feeling o...
Beauty is your eyes...
Sept 29, 2020 - This class is about how you just need to look around to see beauty, because we are surrounded by it.