Breath & The Miraculous Nervous System

Breath & The Miraculous Nervous System

Limited Series
April 22, April 29, May 6
6-7:30pm ET

In this new Limited Series we will learn more about the breath and the role it plays in the nervous system. From the series you will leave with a deeper relationship to yourself through your breath, and carry with you a handful of tools you can use to cultivate the energy you are looking for…from extremely focused and present to feeling a calm, relaxed “it’s all good” energy.  :-)

The breath is a powerful tool we can control. It is intricately connected to how we feel and the energy we have. Depending on how we are breathing, we can directly influence how we feel. You can “convince” your nervous system you feel a certain way through adjusting the breath, and then end up feeling that way!

In the series we will practice a variety of breathing techniques (of course!) in the physical yoga practice, and in meditation. The practice is experiential, so we will also spend time discussing and sharing insights. 

I hope you will join the workshop and discover more about this powerful tool you are carrying with you everywhere at every moment.

Breath & The Miraculous Nervous System