Monday, 9.26.22 - Something that I am really feeling today is gratitude to have something I do everyday that makes me feel good...which is the yoga practice. And, you know, it doesn't have to be yoga. What I recognize is having something in life that is a regular thing can feel really good. Enjoy this regular thing today. :-)
Up Next in SEPTEMBER, 2022
Aligning with Your Bright Yogic Virtues
Tuesday, 9.27.22 - In the "Bhagavad Gita" it takes about our "yogic virtues"...there's a lot of them. The take away is that virtues are already inside. Another translation for the Sanskrit of virtue is "inherent within." We already have peacefulness, patience, kindness, along with a bunch of ot...
The Latent Bright Qualities are Inher...
Wednesday - 9.28.22: Today we talk about the Bhagavad Gita and the idea that we have "bright qualities" already inside of us, and one of those is the "study of sacred texts." That could be the Gita, but also anything that makes you feel more in touch with your heart, and a bit brighter.
Humility is a Bright Virtue
Thursday, 9.29.22: I had a very funny experience yesterday of lacking a few of the bright qualities we've been talking about this week. It's a reminder that we are all doing our best, and also that humor is a very important quality to maintain. :-)