9.21.22 - In the Bhagavad Gita it talks about meditation like having the calm of a candle flame in a windless room. I love that imagery. In class we imagine the flame and do our best to keep it still, through smooth movement and a calm mind. I think you'll enjoy it.
Up Next in SEPTEMBER, 2022
The Lords Club
Sept 22, 2022 There were a group of Lords that decided to form a social club. At their first meeting they were all excited to be together and then one of them asked where the bartender was to give them a drink. There was no bartender, or dishwasher, or cook, or any non-lords at the club. The L...
Appreciating Your Consistent Practice
Monday, 9.26.22 - Something that I am really feeling today is gratitude to have something I do everyday that makes me feel good...which is the yoga practice. And, you know, it doesn't have to be yoga. What I recognize is having something in life that is a regular thing can feel really good. En...
Aligning with Your Bright Yogic Virtues
Tuesday, 9.27.22 - In the "Bhagavad Gita" it takes about our "yogic virtues"...there's a lot of them. The take away is that virtues are already inside. Another translation for the Sanskrit of virtue is "inherent within." We already have peacefulness, patience, kindness, along with a bunch of ot...