Gratitude for the Support of Others
Back Bends
Feb. 3, 2021 - Whenever I have heard teachers talking about their teaching, almost always they thank their students. I totally get that. For me, I enjoy the philosophy of yoga, the movement of yoga, how it makes me feel. But, without students, I know that I wouldn’t spend as much time exploring and learning about it. Sharing what I know about it with others helps me deepen my own knowledge. Besides that, It seems clear that the reason we are here on this Earth is to make things better for others, and having students makes that possible for me. Because of students (you) it keeps me coming back and keeps me relatively sane. So, as a teacher, I am so grateful to students in that they not only allow me to share and hopefully have a positive impact on the world, but they also help me with own health…and, it’s great to be around people and delight and other people’s perceptions and ideas.
There are also lots of things we do where others are there helping us be more of the people we want to be. It might be that we are learning something from someone else, or being in community makes an activity more possible, like swimming in the Lake. The support of others makes the life we want to live more possible…or, maybe it wouldn’t even be possible without others.
Today in class, we’ll take time being grateful to those who support us and who we get to support…and thank you for your interest in yoga so I can share what I know. :-)
Up Next in Back Bends
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