First, See The Good
60 Minutes
Jan 20, 2022 - I taught my first classes in the UVM studio yesterday! So exciting...but, the building is still a work in progress. Like with any big project, there are still things that need to be done. I found myself yesterday noticing all those things..."this needs more paint, that piece of wood is on wrong, the lights don't work property, the paint isn't good here..." I was really not seeing the forest for the trees.
Then the students came in and reminded me of the forest. Students were telling me how excited they were for the space. How beautiful it was. How quiet it was. And, they were and are right! It's really beautiful. I basically have a studio that I use all day, and it's kind of my studio. I can just be in this quiet, beautiful's like a REAL yoga studio! There are so many good things, and I was missing thembecause I was looking for wasn't the best.
A practice that I focus in the Yoga Teacher Training that I run is "First, See the Good." (Obviously, I need to keep working on it.) It's the idea that, first, you look for the good thing. In relation to the Training, you look for the good in your teaching, and you look for the good in what other teachers in the training are doing. After that...only after you find the share what could better, in your humble opinion.
First, See the Good, is a practice that can be done anywhere. It's very powerful in changing your mind, and turning it to the good to start, and then, after your mind has been infused with good, you acknowledge there are other things as well.
I encourage you to try it. Have a GOOD day!
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