One Small Positive Thought in the Morning
1h 0m
Jan 12, 2021 - These days have been a little bit rough for me. I feel like what I should be doing is constantly refreshing the New York Times, CNN, Facebook, to know what's going on. But, I just find it leads to more despair instead of more know the feeling?
So, whenever I'm feeling a bit down like that, I find searching out help from the Dalai Lama is in order. His wonderful piece of advice for today is, "Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day." Thank you His Holiness!
In considering this, I was thinking about a diffuser. And how with just one pure drop of essential oil, it can fill a whole room with a wonderful aroma. Imagine putting one pure essential thought of positivity in yourself this morning, and let it spread throughout your whole body. One, small, positive thought.
Enjoy today's positively infused class. :-)