Appreciating Special Moments
Feb. 18, 2021
There has been lots of times in my life where I’ve thought, “This is special. I need to really be present for this experience.” You know, times like traveling to new places you know you won’t return, seeing something really beautiful, getting married.
I’ve really recognizing that even though this experience of COVID isn’t something we asked for or planned on, there are parts of it that are incredibly special and memorable that we should probably hold on to. For me, it has definitely been teaching my classes online. It’s been so great seeing everybody each day. It really is something special and has deepened the yoga community I am part of. I feel very lucky.
So, I’d say, even though we didn’t ask for this, it’s possible that there are parts of it that actually have created something really special for you, like these classes have for me. I hope you have time to enjoy this class today. :-)