Interrupted Inhalation Breathing
June 1st-4th, 2021
June 4, 2021 - After focusing on the breath yesterday, I wanted to keep going with the breath today. There is a method of breathing called Viloma "A" Breath, or more understandably, Interrupted Inhalation Breathing.
How it works is you Inhale 1/3 of the way, hold, inhale another 1/3, hold, inhale the final 1/3, hold...and then smoothly exhale. You can imagine you are slowing filling a container from the bottom to the this case filling from the base of the pelvis up to the throat.
This method really helps to expand your breathing, and, by doing that also calming the mind. Isn't the breath awesome!
Up Next in June 1st-4th, 2021
Getting to the New Normal
June 3, 2021 - I got a haircut! It was amazing to go to my barber, who I haven’t seen in 15 months, and have it feel “normal”. Every day is another experience of seeing that we are close to the other side of COVID, at least in Vermont, and it’s amazing. In class we celebrate being illuminated ...
Enjoy Your Own Company
June 2, 2021 - Yesterday I meet up with three guys who were finishing up a bicycle tour around Vermont going to various breweries. I originally ran into them last week when they started their trip (a previous class). It was really great seeing these guys again. I thought a lot about why it was s...
Define How You are Feeling
June 1, 2021 - I read an article in the New York Times today that was talking about how beneficial it is to honestly define how you you feeling. It said that no matter what you are feeling, defining your feelings truthfully makes you feel better. That’s pretty cool, and very much goes along wit...