Breathing to see your True Self
July, 2020
July 20, 2020 - One of the simplest ways to be reminded of the fact that you are a good person is to connect to your breath. Amazing, but true, and something that is mentioned often in yogic texts. In the Radiance Sutras, a poetic interpretation of the Vijnanbhairava, it says..."The way of experience begins with a breath, such as the breath you are breathing right now." So, let's breath together. :-)
Up Next in July, 2020
Connecting to the 4th Chakra - Heart ...
July 24, 2020 - Today's class we'll practice opening up the heart chakra, making more connection to the love in our hearts.
Breathing Deeply Is Life Saving
July 30, 2020 - Doing yoga helps you to breath deeply. Not everyone does that, and it's good to let's practice breathing more deeply
Tolerance, Loving Kindness, Forgiveness
July 29, 2020 - The Dalai Lama shared we all need to do for ourselves and others...tolerance, loving kindness and forgiveness.