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  • Good Morning Yoga - Class #10

    Class #10 - Last night I went to watch the sunset over Lake Champlain, and MANY other people were there. A definite reminder of our shared desire to see beauty.

  • Good Morning Yoga - Class #9

    Class #9 - Today the focus is on the back, and on the goodness of strangers.

  • Jump Start Class #9

    Jump Start Class #9 - After traveling for a couple weeks in Quebec, I'm reminded of how important it is to see the good and others, and how positive it feels to have others see the good in you.

  • Good Morning Yoga - Class #8

    Class #8 - I have been watching the US Track & Field Olympic great! When the athletes are interviewed the all talk about the importance of being focused and present, and letting go of outside stuff. That sounds a lot like yoga!

  • Good Morning Yoga - Class #7

    Class #7 - We can decide the journey of our day, and make choices to make it a great day.

  • Good Morning Yoga - Class #5

    Class #5 - After Memorial Day Weekend, getting on the mat at all should be marked up as a success!

  • Good Morning Yoga - Class #4

    Class #4 - The senses are the way that we connect to the world all around us.

  • Good Morning Yoga - class #1

    Class #1 - This is the first class of 45 minutes...yay! Today we focus on the breath and doing various breathing exercises while we practice.

  • Of The Seasons I Am Spring

    May 3, 2024 - Today's class is about the how amazing Spring is.

  • New Beginnings

    May 2, 2024 - I am thinking about new beginnings with the new changes at the studio.

  • Finding Yoga In Your Practice

    April 29, 2024 - When practicing yoga, in order to make it "yoga" it's important to keep coming back to finding a connection to your best Self.

  • Spring Cleaning

    April 26, 2024 - It's a good time for some mental, physical and emotional Spring cleaning!

  • The Light That You See By

    April 25, 2024 - I find it interesting how things in the outside world can be somewhat the same day to day, but they can look so much different. They also look different depending on who you talk to. I reminds me of this idea for the Radiance Sutras, "The Light That You See By Comes From Inside."

  • Fresh Start

    April 24, 2024 - I am excited to be moving into a new phase with my online yoga study! Starting new things is fun, and it's good to remember that the foundations of yoga are build on the idea that you get to start where you are, right now.

  • Calming Power of The Breath

    April 23, 2024 - Today we focus on the breath.

  • Now We Begin

    April 22, 2024 - It's nice to be back on the mat after a weekend, or a week, or a year, and begin.

  • More Awaring

    April 19, 2024 - We'll continue with more awaring practices.

  • Awaring

    4.18.24 - Awareing is the practice of being deeply aware.

  • Ritual

    417.24 - Ritual matters. :-)

  • Flow Like Water

    April 16, 2024 - Today we will consider Daoism, water, and the yoga practice.

  • Sympathetic Nervous System

    April 12, 2024 - Today we work with the "fight or flight" system of the body.

  • AWE!

    April 9, 2024 - Seeing the eclipse yesterday was absolutely awe-inspiring. It was amazing. And, it makes me consider the value of awe in our lives.

  • Now We Begin

    April 1, 2024 - Today we look at the practice as a fresh beginning, referring to the 1st sutra of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - "Now, We Begin the Practice of Yoga."

  • Go With The Flow

    3.21.24 - We open the hips as a way to go with the flow of ourselves and of life.